Current Officers & Board Members
Co-Presidents: Grace Tsang & Meri-Beth Bird
Vice President: Open Position
Secretary: Jennifer Dungan
Corresponding Secretary: Open Position
Treasurer: Eva Huala
Other Board Members: Carol Dahout, Jim Salyards
Committee Heads & Volunteer Positions
Membership: Ursula Haschke
Newsletter Editor: Kathy Anberg
Newsletter Contributors: Jennifer Dungan, Nancy Schramm
Plant Sale Table: Carol Dahout
Publicity and Outreach: Grace Tsang
Scholarships and Grants: Grace Tsang, Jennifer Doniach, Meri-Beth Bird, Janet Hoffmann,
Speaker Programs: Leslie Dean (chairperson), Nancy Schramm, Judy Wong, Glenda Jones, Eva Huala,
Meri-Beth Bird
Meeting Tech: John Hammerschmidt, Janet Hoffmann, Jennifer Doniach, Grace Tsang
Website Maintenance and Email: Ursula Haschke
Welcome Table: Pam Noyer
Western Horticultural Society is a dynamic group of plant loving folks. We have a great lineup of guest speakers for each of our meetings and we have ongoing plant sales all thanks to our member volunteers. Without the help of our members, we cannot do what we do to make our meetings as great as they are.
If you would like to learn how you can get involved with Western Hort please email or speak with any board member to find out more.
Speaker Sponsorship
If you enjoy the talks given at our meetings and want to help the Western Horticultural Society sustain our program, you might like to sponsor one of our speakers! Your contribution helps cover the costs of hosting a speaker and we will note your name as sponsor in our newsletter. You can choose the month or speaker of your choice or perhaps you have a speaker you would like to propose for a future talk in the new year?
Contact Leslie Dean with contributions or questions.
Current bylaws approved February 12, 2020: