February 12th, 2025, 7:30pm,
The Garden House at Shoup Park
400 University Ave., Los Altos.
A Garden Lover’s Tour
of English Gardens
and the Many Lessons Learned
with Jim Salyards
While on sabbatical from Filoli and touring gardens in England for a month during
the summer of 2024, Jim was able to enjoy the supreme horticulture found throughout England, while also taking home many ideas, inspirations and lessons from
his 63 garden visits.
Jim is the director of horticulture at Filoli, the garden he has called home for the past 30 years. He has worked as a section gardener, greenhouse manager and served as the director since 2014.
​​Become a Western Hort Member!
Our membership year extends from September through August.
Dues paid now will be for the 2024-25 membership year.
WHS has a great list of speakers for the year. Don’t miss any updates.
Please submit your renewal and payment
using the Membership form found on our Membership page and mail to:
WHS PO Box 166, Mountain View, CA 94042.
You can also pay online. Please go to our membership page on our website
JOIN TODAY and receive:
Free admission to monthly programs, links to Zoom presentations, video-recordings and newsletters (9x per year)
Members only Garden Tours
Members only Events, Holiday Party & Summer Picnic
Members only Speakers Dinner
10% discount at participating business partners
When you’re nervous about stepping outside of your comfort zone, remind yourself;
“It feels scary because it’s unfamiliar,
not because I’m incapable.”
~Michelle C. Clark
Vice president, Board members and Corresponding Secretary;
these positions are still open.
Get to know your fellow WHS members and help keep the society vibrant and well rounded. If you have an interest in helping in any one of these capacities, or feel you can help in any other way, feel free to e-mail us at info@westernhort.org or speak to any of the current board members.
Western Horticultural Society's
$1000 Scholarship Application 2025
Western Horticultural Society is pleased to announce two $1000.00 scholarships for inspired, deserving students who show a keen commitment to their horticultural studies (including high school seniors and college students).
The award will be bestowed on students who want to make a difference in the
horticultural world.
The field is open to students whose primary residence is in the SF Bay Area and who are attending or have applied to a California college or university.
The purpose of this scholarship is to support those who wish to deepen their horticultural knowledge.
Find more info on how to apply for the 2025 scholarship award on our resource page.